Price Transparency in Healthcare

As a business owner, one of the most appreciated benefit offerings to our own employees is a price transparency tool. As one of the first agencies in Dallas to deliver the valuable behavior modification tool, it is amazing to see the product now being offered across the entire nation in under a decade. With over 2,000,000 members now covered, from the Houston Rockets to the employees of Southwest Airlines and Michaels, your employees could also benefit from a true concierge program.

As we implement plans with increased deductibles and copays, we need to give employees the tools and skills to support their efforts to become good consumers of healthcare. All of us have tools to price a vehicle before we head to the car lot. Few of our employees have ever had a tool to price a surgery, the price of which could be comparable to purchasing a car. We do not stop to analyze how much the surgery, the surgeon, the surgery center or even an MRI or prescription drug will cost prior to the procedure being performed. Our transparency tool can compare many choices side by side, and will take it a step further and schedule the appointment, complete the follow up and review the bills after they have been processed if your employees have questions.

Think of the potential dollar savings to your plan, and just as important, the time saved by your employees and the increased satisfaction level as they truly have a patient advocate working for them, hired by you.

For more information, contact Sharon McReynolds: or 214-739-5215.

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